Monday, November 24, 2008

Seven and Done: Semester Reflection

Breathe a sigh of relief, writers! This is your last official post for IUSW131. Choose one of the following options:

I. Write a narrative about your experience in this class, reflecting on your growth as a writer and/or as a class member, the whole class's progress, the evolution of class relationships (to writing and to each other), or any combination thereof. While humor and sarcasm are welcome stylistic techniques, merciless bashing of self or others will not be tolerated. Use your judgment when deciding whether to 'name names.'


II. Write a letter to an incoming IUS student who has to take this class and give him/her tips for successful writing and a successful college experience.

*Please note that this assignment requires that you be a bit more extensive than you may have been in past posts.

Please have fun with this post and with all future writing tasks. It has been a pleasure guiding each and every one of you!

Good luck!


Ms. Brown

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Blog #6: Arguing Without Fighting

Choose one of the following options:

1. Discuss your upcoming Argument paper. What did you learn from your Report that you can use? What possible claims can you make? What did you do well in the Report that you want to use and/or perfect in your Argument? What problems from your Report do you want to overcome in your Argument?


2. Discuss the evolution of your thinking on casinos and/or prostitution through our class debates. What did you discover on your own that either reinforced or changed your original position? What did you learn from your classmates? Did you hear any particularly persuasive arguments?

Due on Monday, November 17th.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Write a RANT about the acceptability or inacceptability of prostitution or casinos. Choose any side you like.


Argue that we should instead focus our class debates on drilling, religion in schools, welfare, or any other divisive issue you choose.