Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Blog Entry #2: On Writing, Writers, and You

Respond to this entry in any way you like. Respond to one section, one question from a section, or simply let these sections inspire a topic all your own. The only stipulation is that your blog is at least loosely related to writers and/or writing.

Writer stereotypes:

Journalists are brazen and heartless.

Novelists are reclusive.

Scholarly writers are boring and pretentious.

Poets are hippies.

Short story writers are lazy.

All writers are crazy/liberal/bad at math.

Why are these stereotypes true? Why are they false? What does that tell us about writing? About different genres of writing?

Writing stereotypes (note that some of them are contradictory):

Any one can write.

Writing is strictly a talent; you have it or you don't.

Most professors make you write papers when they want to punish you or because they can't think of anything else to do.

Using sources means you can't think of anything original to say.

Which of these are true? Which are untrue? What's the point of writing for school anyway?

Writing Your Profile:

What did you learn about the person you profiled?

What did you learn about yourself through writing your profile?

What did you learn about writing through writing your profile?

Describe the process of writing your profile. What worked? What didn't? What do you wish you had done differently?

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